[boundarypointpoint] Revised Tri-Point Page on HIghpointers Website
spookymike@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
2017-06-17 12:08:20 UTC
Haven't checked this one out for errors yet...

Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2017-06-17 22:42:34 UTC
well mike it is a very impressive & gratifying collection in any case
considering how far we have come
but with a great many errors imported from other sources
mostly from jack who is resting in peace now & brian immortalized by wapo
but the most egregious flaws shared by all except possibly wikipedia
which i have already corrected once tho only partly successfully since any
ignoramus can override anything at wikipedia & has done so in the case of
everyone thinks arlams is wet tho it is actually dry
everyone thinks njnypa is dry tho it is actually wet
& while i am glad to leave all the other niggling details for those who
like to niggle
i hope you will alert the highpointing curator to at least these 2 most
major gaffes
& convey extreme congrats for all the rest that is dauntingly difficult &
mostly complete & flawless sfaict
Post by ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
Haven't checked this one out for errors yet...
Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2017-06-17 23:17:39 UTC
also jf i might air my favorite dissenting opinion tho i understand why
nobody else will buy it
in a list that considers dc as the equivalent of a state since it is after
all a portion of the federal state
& in a list that has no qualms about including fully maritime tripoints eg
& even international tripoints with other federal states eg mexico & canada
how can the 20some federal state tripoints at the 3mile limit be so utterly

it almost hurts my feelings
Post by Aletheia Kallos ***@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
well mike it is a very impressive & gratifying collection in any case
considering how far we have come
but with a great many errors imported from other sources
mostly from jack who is resting in peace now & brian immortalized by wapo
but the most egregious flaws shared by all except possibly wikipedia
which i have already corrected once tho only partly successfully since any
ignoramus can override anything at wikipedia & has done so in the case of
everyone thinks arlams is wet tho it is actually dry
everyone thinks njnypa is dry tho it is actually wet
& while i am glad to leave all the other niggling details for those who
like to niggle
i hope you will alert the highpointing curator to at least these 2 most
major gaffes
& convey extreme congrats for all the rest that is dauntingly difficult &
mostly complete & flawless sfaict
Post by ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
Haven't checked this one out for errors yet...