once again very nicely done old pal
& please do keep up the great play for many years to come
this is precisely why i started all these otherwise silly & laugably
misunderstood multipointing groups in the first place
so your great success here is my great vicarious fulfillment too
even as nearly everyone else keeps inventing & pursuing all manner of
tangential & repetitive stuff
while almost totally forgetting & neglecting the expansion of worldclass
trypointing from where it was a decade ago
anyway diving into the feast of data you have brought us back alive from
darkest africa
i agree this is only the defacto trijunction you have reached
& it has probably been so ever since the independence of south sudan if not
when the adjacency of 2 failed states must have forced uganda to patrol as
far as the village of the legendary big tree
since that has lately become the local truth & hub & gathering place etc
also no sense belonging to a failed state if you can claim to belong to
& it is quite interesting to see repeated here the typically african
practice of moving tripoints about based on pure expediency
which we have also seen at cmgagc & dzlytn & even bwnazmzw
but lets not forget the uganda constitution describes the de jure tripoint
location as 300m south of the source of the kaia river
as is also somewhat vaguely suggested by both of your maps
& we have seen a picture of a hilltop the locals used to call the tripoint
& we know that the slope there rises to the nile congo watershed divide
which i would still guess to be a few hundred meters up the hill to the
southeast of the big tree
still when i say only de facto i dont quibble with your accomplishment
because the dejure tripoint as shown pretty well on both your maps may
never be practically established
& in all practicality de facto is always more real so more true than de jure
if the 2 differ
but in any case jesper i cant help wondering what led you to understand the
border alignments in such a way as to place the tripoint a few feet north
of the tree rather than in the middle of the trunk itself so as to comport
with the legend that a great tree marks the tripoint which has been
reported to us since 2006 & which you yourself had been asking about before
you went off in search of it
Post by Jesper Nielsen ***@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]http://www.freewebsite-service.com/Uganda%20boeder%20trip/