Aletheia Kallos [boundarypointpoint]
2017-05-19 14:18:53 UTC
as i sit here high above the lost coast overlooking centerville beach
the only thing that bothers me at all is that i cant figure out what it is
the center of
for otherwise this particular corner of this particular balcony parking lot
is so totally heaven on earth that it is one of the few places i have kept
coming back to over the decades & yet always have pretty much to myself
most of the time i am here
i have a few other staggeringly beautiful but relatively deserted places of
the same national park caliber which i regularly revisit too
probably comprising all together the 7 wonders of assburger america if i
added them all up
about which more later perhaps
but just to be scrupulous about boundary pointing & trypointing & such
because we are in this forum
i am pleased to report i have found that centerville lies both roughly at
the center or midpoint of the lost coast
or the coast of humboldt county
which are probably pretty much the same thing
& likewise roughly at the center or midpoint of the pacific coast between
mexico & canada
or say as far north as the tip of the olympic peninsula
just to pick a moderate boundary among several possibilities
but again all pretty much boiling down to roughly the same thing anyway
so my question becomes
given the well known difficulty if not impossibility of measuring the
lengths of coasts with any objective accuracy
what among all the above possibilities is centerville beach actually the
center or midpoint of
or should i not assume center & midpoint are even the same thing
since the question doesnt involve a normal geographical center at all
& for purposes of computation
would comparing total degminsecs of latitude & longitude differentials work
better than comparing unknowable coastal lengths
& or amount to about the same thing anyway
or would such a simplified calculus actually present a less punctilious &
thus sloppier & less reliable method
it doesnt disturb my centering meditation very much
but i would still like to know the answer
while it may be that the historical answer & the mathematical answer are 2
entirely different things
no trace of centerville itself remains but for the name of the beach & the
name of the road leading to it
the only thing that bothers me at all is that i cant figure out what it is
the center of
for otherwise this particular corner of this particular balcony parking lot
is so totally heaven on earth that it is one of the few places i have kept
coming back to over the decades & yet always have pretty much to myself
most of the time i am here
i have a few other staggeringly beautiful but relatively deserted places of
the same national park caliber which i regularly revisit too
probably comprising all together the 7 wonders of assburger america if i
added them all up
about which more later perhaps
but just to be scrupulous about boundary pointing & trypointing & such
because we are in this forum
i am pleased to report i have found that centerville lies both roughly at
the center or midpoint of the lost coast
or the coast of humboldt county
which are probably pretty much the same thing
& likewise roughly at the center or midpoint of the pacific coast between
mexico & canada
or say as far north as the tip of the olympic peninsula
just to pick a moderate boundary among several possibilities
but again all pretty much boiling down to roughly the same thing anyway
so my question becomes
given the well known difficulty if not impossibility of measuring the
lengths of coasts with any objective accuracy
what among all the above possibilities is centerville beach actually the
center or midpoint of
or should i not assume center & midpoint are even the same thing
since the question doesnt involve a normal geographical center at all
& for purposes of computation
would comparing total degminsecs of latitude & longitude differentials work
better than comparing unknowable coastal lengths
& or amount to about the same thing anyway
or would such a simplified calculus actually present a less punctilious &
thus sloppier & less reliable method
it doesnt disturb my centering meditation very much
but i would still like to know the answer
while it may be that the historical answer & the mathematical answer are 2
entirely different things
no trace of centerville itself remains but for the name of the beach & the
name of the road leading to it