the lack of any obvious marker in the photo makes the claim unlikely
& it is puzzling that nobody has yet reported finding 1970 dztn pillar 1
tho it would appear to be de facto dzlytn
in the absence of libyan agreement
but in any case the vertical object we have previously noticed at
n30d13m44s6 e9d33m33s6 can now be seen casting shadows of slightly
different lengths & angles on the 4 google earth images dated 2003 2010
2012 & 2013
so it continues to be a leading suspect
On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 6:13 PM, 'Jesper Nielsen'
Post by 'Jesper Nielsen' jesper-bACkHVQ/*** [boundarypointpoint]First known photo try
Google Maps have also updated image since last visit.