[boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
'Aaralyn' koosha.p913120@yahoo.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-15 18:08:37 UTC
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<p><span style="color:
<center><p align="center">&nbsp;</p><p align="center"><font face="Arial"><b><a href="http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum"><img src="Loading Image..."></a></b></font></p><p align="center"><span lang="en-us"><b><font face="Arial" color="#FF0000">Join And See Full Album </font></b></span></p><p align="center"><span lang="en-us"><b><font face="Arial" color="#800000">Send Your Pictures</font></b></span></p><p align="center"><span lang="en-us"><b><font face="Arial" color="#008000">Upload Hot Pictures on Group</font></b></span></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial"><b><a href="http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum">http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum</a><span lang="en-us"> </span></b></font></p><p align="center" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family: Times New Roman;font-style: normal;font-variant: normal;font-weight: normal;letter-spacing: normal;text-indent: 0px;text-transform: none;white-space: normal;word-spacing: 0px;"><font face="Arial"><b><img src="Loading Image..."></b></font></p></center>



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<!-- end group email -->
spookymike@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-15 18:36:55 UTC
Mike D.

Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her, if it's even a her.

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Aaralyn' ***@yahoo.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays


Join And See Full Album
Send Your Pictures
Upload Hot Pictures on Group
'David Phillips' dfp18@columbia.edu [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-15 18:54:29 UTC
I second the motion.

David Phillips


From: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 11:37 AM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club

Mike D.

Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her, if
it's even a her.

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Aaralyn' ***@yahoo.com [boundarypointpoint]
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays



Join And See Full Album

Send Your Pictures

Upload Hot Pictures on Group


Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-15 20:02:59 UTC
In a nutshell I haven't done this because it is beyond my power
As I learned by earnestly trying to do so a few weeks ago when you first
alerted me
The reason being that my ownership of the group is in the name of a defunct
email address
Which I also tried earnestly but vainly to restore
etc etc

Of course I could continue to bang my head against the wall
on the if at first you don't succeed principle
by continuing to try to communicate with yahoo groups management
Or with my defunct email provider
etc etc

& I did go that way for a while
until I realized that the fault is entirely my own anyway
Because I did invite everyone to join us & to chime in at will about
anything they like
In the original statement of purpose on the group home page

So I have just been hitting my delete button & burying my excessively
tolerant head in the sand whenever she shows up
Hoping other members might do the same

But as I see this is really offensive to some of us
I am now considering directly asking her to either lighten up or leave us
in peace
Unless you or anyone else has a better idea

Or maybe this conversation alone will suffice to give her the idea
If she is monitoring the effect she is having
As I suppose she may be

So thanx for bringing this up again
& lets see what develops or figure out what more we might try

At all events I am glad you are still here mike & acknowledge the problem I
have caused
Post by ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
Mike D.
Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her,
if it's even a her.
Mike S.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
* <http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum>*
*Join And See Full Album *
*Send Your Pictures*
*Upload Hot Pictures on Group*
*http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum <http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum> *
spookymike@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-15 21:21:32 UTC
Wow. We are painted into a corner. Yahoo customer service is the ultimate oxymoron.

If unable to remedy the situation (I don't think for a minute that the spammer will relent in his/her own), my suggestion would be to post to the group that it is being disbanded and that everyone should "unsubscribe," leaving only the spammer and inactive members to entertain each other.

At the same time, you can create a new group (boundarypointpoint2 or boundarypointpointpoint) and ask current members to apply for membership. Set it up so we have to apply and provide a few sentences to let you know we are authentic. You should be able to sniff out any fakers.

Good luck!

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aletheia Kallos ***@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays

In a nutshell I haven't done this because it is beyond my power
As I learned by earnestly trying to do so a few weeks ago when you first alerted me
The reason being that my ownership of the group is in the name of a defunct email address
Which I also tried earnestly but vainly to restore
etc etc

Of course I could continue to bang my head against the wall
on the if at first you don't succeed principle
by continuing to try to communicate with yahoo groups management
Or with my defunct email provider
etc etc

& I did go that way for a while
until I realized that the fault is entirely my own anyway
Because I did invite everyone to join us & to chime in at will about anything they like
In the original statement of purpose on the group home page

So I have just been hitting my delete button & burying my excessively tolerant head in the sand whenever she shows up
Hoping other members might do the same

But as I see this is really offensive to some of us
I am now considering directly asking her to either lighten up or leave us in peace
Unless you or anyone else has a better idea

Or maybe this conversation alone will suffice to give her the idea
If she is monitoring the effect she is having
As I suppose she may be

So thanx for bringing this up again
& lets see what develops or figure out what more we might try

At all events I am glad you are still here mike & acknowledge the problem I have caused

On Friday, July 15, 2016, ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Mike D.

Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her, if it's even a her.

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Aaralyn' ***@yahoo.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays


Join And See Full Album
Send Your Pictures
Upload Hot Pictures on Group
Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-15 21:47:49 UTC
As usual mike

Let's create boundarypointpointpoint immediately
Then formally notify boundarypointpoint in case anyone misses this thread
& then proceed with your plan

& in view of my obvious ineptitude & minimal life expectancy
I would recommend anyone but koosha to be the new owner
Particularly if he or she would appreciate having coowners
Like how about yourself & or David for starters
Post by ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
Wow. We are painted into a corner. Yahoo customer service is the ultimate oxymoron.
If unable to remedy the situation (I don't think for a minute that the
spammer will relent in his/her own), my suggestion would be to post to the
group that it is being disbanded and that everyone should "unsubscribe,"
leaving only the spammer and inactive members to entertain each other.
At the same time, you can create a new group (boundarypointpoint2 or
boundarypointpointpoint) and ask current members to apply for membership.
Set it up so we have to apply and provide a few sentences to let you know
we are authentic. You should be able to sniff out any fakers.
Good luck!
Mike S.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
In a nutshell I haven't done this because it is beyond my power
As I learned by earnestly trying to do so a few weeks ago when you first alerted me
The reason being that my ownership of the group is in the name of a defunct email address
Which I also tried earnestly but vainly to restore
etc etc
Of course I could continue to bang my head against the wall
on the if at first you don't succeed principle
by continuing to try to communicate with yahoo groups management
Or with my defunct email provider
etc etc
& I did go that way for a while
until I realized that the fault is entirely my own anyway
Because I did invite everyone to join us & to chime in at will about anything they like
In the original statement of purpose on the group home page
So I have just been hitting my delete button & burying my excessively
tolerant head in the sand whenever she shows up
Hoping other members might do the same
But as I see this is really offensive to some of us
I am now considering directly asking her to either lighten up or leave us in peace
Unless you or anyone else has a better idea
Or maybe this conversation alone will suffice to give her the idea
If she is monitoring the effect she is having
As I suppose she may be
So thanx for bringing this up again
& lets see what develops or figure out what more we might try
At all events I am glad you are still here mike & acknowledge the problem I have caused
Post by ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
Mike D.
Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her,
if it's even a her.
Mike S.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
* <http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum>*
*Join And See Full Album *
*Send Your Pictures*
*Upload Hot Pictures on Group*
*http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum <http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum> *
'David Phillips' dfp18@columbia.edu [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-15 23:25:19 UTC
Not me, I'm afraid - this is way over my head technically plus I am leaving
shortly for Europe.



From: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 2:48 PM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club


As usual mike

Let's create boundarypointpointpoint immediately

Then formally notify boundarypointpoint in case anyone misses this thread

& then proceed with your plan

& in view of my obvious ineptitude & minimal life expectancy

I would recommend anyone but koosha to be the new owner

Particularly if he or she would appreciate having coowners

Like how about yourself & or David for starters

On Friday, July 15, 2016, ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
<***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Wow. We are painted into a corner. Yahoo customer service is the ultimate

If unable to remedy the situation (I don't think for a minute that the
spammer will relent in his/her own), my suggestion would be to post to the
group that it is being disbanded and that everyone should "unsubscribe,"
leaving only the spammer and inactive members to entertain each other.

At the same time, you can create a new group (boundarypointpoint2 or
boundarypointpointpoint) and ask current members to apply for membership.
Set it up so we have to apply and provide a few sentences to let you know we
are authentic. You should be able to sniff out any fakers.

Good luck!

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aletheia Kallos ***@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club

In a nutshell I haven't done this because it is beyond my power

As I learned by earnestly trying to do so a few weeks ago when you first
alerted me

The reason being that my ownership of the group is in the name of a defunct
email address

Which I also tried earnestly but vainly to restore

etc etc

Of course I could continue to bang my head against the wall

on the if at first you don't succeed principle

by continuing to try to communicate with yahoo groups management

Or with my defunct email provider

etc etc

& I did go that way for a while

until I realized that the fault is entirely my own anyway

Because I did invite everyone to join us & to chime in at will about
anything they like

In the original statement of purpose on the group home page


So I have just been hitting my delete button & burying my excessively
tolerant head in the sand whenever she shows up

Hoping other members might do the same

But as I see this is really offensive to some of us

I am now considering directly asking her to either lighten up or leave us in

Unless you or anyone else has a better idea

Or maybe this conversation alone will suffice to give her the idea

If she is monitoring the effect she is having

As I suppose she may be

So thanx for bringing this up again

& lets see what develops or figure out what more we might try

At all events I am glad you are still here mike & acknowledge the problem I
have caused

On Friday, July 15, 2016, ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
<***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Mike D.

Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her, if
it's even a her.

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Aaralyn' ***@yahoo.com [boundarypointpoint]
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays



Join And See Full Album

Send Your Pictures

Upload Hot Pictures on Group


Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-16 07:17:48 UTC
Ok I have apparently just managed to create boundarypointpoint2
rather than boundarypointpointpoint which failed
& have invited mike & david whom it appears I will be able to appoint
coowners with deleting & banning & inviting privileges as soon as they join

& I will continue to crosspost to both groups until they & all
other members who wish to join the new group have done so
& Also importantly
until I can link the new group up with gmane for archiving & searching
continuity & convenience

So unless there are any further suggestions additions subtractions etc
Let the grand migration begin at everyone's earliest convenience

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *'David Phillips' ***@columbia.edu <***@columbia.edu>
[boundarypointpoint]* <***@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Friday, July 15, 2016
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
To: ***@yahoogroups.com

Not me, I’m afraid – this is way over my head technically plus I am leaving
shortly for Europe.



*From:* ***@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Friday, July 15, 2016 2:48 PM
*To:* ***@yahoogroups.com
*Subject:* Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club


As usual mike

Let's create boundarypointpointpoint immediately

Then formally notify boundarypointpoint in case anyone misses this thread

& then proceed with your plan

& in view of my obvious ineptitude & minimal life expectancy

I would recommend anyone but koosha to be the new owner

Particularly if he or she would appreciate having coowners

Like how about yourself & or David for starters

On Friday, July 15, 2016, ***@aol.com
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','***@aol.com');> [boundarypointpoint] <
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','***@yahoogroups.com');>> wrote:

Wow. We are painted into a corner. Yahoo customer service is the ultimate

If unable to remedy the situation (I don't think for a minute that the
spammer will relent in his/her own), my suggestion would be to post to the
group that it is being disbanded and that everyone should "unsubscribe,"
leaving only the spammer and inactive members to entertain each other.

At the same time, you can create a new group (boundarypointpoint2 or
boundarypointpointpoint) and ask current members to apply for membership.
Set it up so we have to apply and provide a few sentences to let you know
we are authentic. You should be able to sniff out any fakers.

Good luck!

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aletheia Kallos ***@gmail.com
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','***@gmail.com');> [boundarypointpoint] <
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club

In a nutshell I haven't done this because it is beyond my power

As I learned by earnestly trying to do so a few weeks ago when you first
alerted me

The reason being that my ownership of the group is in the name of a defunct
email address

Which I also tried earnestly but vainly to restore

etc etc

Of course I could continue to bang my head against the wall

on the if at first you don't succeed principle

by continuing to try to communicate with yahoo groups management

Or with my defunct email provider

etc etc

& I did go that way for a while

until I realized that the fault is entirely my own anyway

Because I did invite everyone to join us & to chime in at will about
anything they like

In the original statement of purpose on the group home page


So I have just been hitting my delete button & burying my excessively
tolerant head in the sand whenever she shows up

Hoping other members might do the same

But as I see this is really offensive to some of us

I am now considering directly asking her to either lighten up or leave us
in peace

Unless you or anyone else has a better idea

Or maybe this conversation alone will suffice to give her the idea

If she is monitoring the effect she is having

As I suppose she may be

So thanx for bringing this up again

& lets see what develops or figure out what more we might try

At all events I am glad you are still here mike & acknowledge the problem I
have caused

On Friday, July 15, 2016, ***@aol.com
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','***@aol.com');> [boundarypointpoint] <
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','***@yahoogroups.com');>> wrote:

Mike D.

Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her, if
it's even a her.

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Aaralyn' ***@yahoo.com
[boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays


* <http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum>*

*Join And See Full Album *

*Send Your Pictures*

*Upload Hot Pictures on Group*

*http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum <http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum> *
spookymike@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-15 21:54:08 UTC
Mike, you should be the "owner," because it is your baby. You could appoint moderators with the permissions to admit and delete members, and to delete offensive posts. I serve in such a capacity in one of my other groups and would have no problem doing so here, but we should have at least one other mod. You as the owner would be the third, but all-powerful mod.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aletheia Kallos ***@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 5:47 pm
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays

As usual mike

Let's create boundarypointpointpoint immediately
Then formally notify boundarypointpoint in case anyone misses this thread
& then proceed with your plan

& in view of my obvious ineptitude & minimal life expectancy
I would recommend anyone but koosha to be the new owner
Particularly if he or she would appreciate having coowners
Like how about yourself & or David for starters

On Friday, July 15, 2016, ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Wow. We are painted into a corner. Yahoo customer service is the ultimate oxymoron.

If unable to remedy the situation (I don't think for a minute that the spammer will relent in his/her own), my suggestion would be to post to the group that it is being disbanded and that everyone should "unsubscribe," leaving only the spammer and inactive members to entertain each other.

At the same time, you can create a new group (boundarypointpoint2 or boundarypointpointpoint) and ask current members to apply for membership. Set it up so we have to apply and provide a few sentences to let you know we are authentic. You should be able to sniff out any fakers.

Good luck!

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aletheia Kallos ***@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays

In a nutshell I haven't done this because it is beyond my power
As I learned by earnestly trying to do so a few weeks ago when you first alerted me
The reason being that my ownership of the group is in the name of a defunct email address
Which I also tried earnestly but vainly to restore
etc etc

Of course I could continue to bang my head against the wall
on the if at first you don't succeed principle
by continuing to try to communicate with yahoo groups management
Or with my defunct email provider
etc etc

& I did go that way for a while
until I realized that the fault is entirely my own anyway
Because I did invite everyone to join us & to chime in at will about anything they like
In the original statement of purpose on the group home page

So I have just been hitting my delete button & burying my excessively tolerant head in the sand whenever she shows up
Hoping other members might do the same

But as I see this is really offensive to some of us
I am now considering directly asking her to either lighten up or leave us in peace
Unless you or anyone else has a better idea

Or maybe this conversation alone will suffice to give her the idea
If she is monitoring the effect she is having
As I suppose she may be

So thanx for bringing this up again
& lets see what develops or figure out what more we might try

At all events I am glad you are still here mike & acknowledge the problem I have caused

On Friday, July 15, 2016, ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Mike D.

Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her, if it's even a her.

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Aaralyn' ***@yahoo.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays


Join And See Full Album
Send Your Pictures
Upload Hot Pictures on Group
spookymike@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-16 12:49:21 UTC
Worked well for me. Joined and already received a confirmation message. Much nicer crowd over here at bpp2.

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aletheia Kallos ***@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sat, Jul 16, 2016 3:17 am
Subject: Fwd: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays

Ok I have apparently just managed to create boundarypointpoint2
rather than boundarypointpointpoint which failed
& have invited mike & david whom it appears I will be able to appoint coowners with deleting & banning & inviting privileges as soon as they join

& I will continue to crosspost to both groups until they & all other members who wish to join the new group have done so
& Also importantly
until I can link the new group up with gmane for archiving & searching continuity & convenience

So unless there are any further suggestions additions subtractions etc
Let the grand migration begin at everyone's earliest convenience

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: 'David Phillips' ***@columbia.edu [boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Friday, July 15, 2016
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
To: ***@yahoogroups.com

Not me, I’m afraid – this is way over myhead technically plus I am leaving shortly for Europe.


From:***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 2:48PM
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint]How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays


As usual mike

Let's create boundarypointpointpoint immediately

Then formally notify boundarypointpoint in case anyone misses thisthread

& then proceed with your plan

& in view of my obvious ineptitude & minimal lifeexpectancy

I would recommend anyone but koosha to be the new owner

Particularly if he or she would appreciate having coowners

Like how about yourself & or David for starters

On Friday, July 15, 2016, ***@aol.com[boundarypointpoint] <***@yahoogroups.com>wrote:

Wow. We arepainted into a corner. Yahoo customer service is the ultimate oxymoron.

If unable to remedy the situation (I don't think for a minute that the spammerwill relent in his/her own), my suggestion would be to post to the group thatit is being disbanded and that everyone should "unsubscribe," leavingonly the spammer and inactive members to entertain each other.

At the same time, you can create a new group (boundarypointpoint2 orboundarypointpointpoint) and ask current members to apply for membership. Set it up so we have to apply and provide a few sentences to let you know weare authentic. You should be able to sniff out any fakers.

Good luck!

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aletheia Kallos ***@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]<***@yahoogroups.com>
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays

In a nutshell I haven't done this because it is beyond my power

AsI learned by earnestly trying to do so a few weeks ago when you firstalerted me

Thereason being that my ownership of the group is in the name of a defunct emailaddress

WhichI also tried earnestly but vainly to restore


Ofcourse I could continue to bang my head against the wall

onthe if at first you don't succeed principle

bycontinuing to try to communicate with yahoo groups management

Orwith my defunct email provider


&I did go that way for a while

until Irealized that the fault is entirely my own anyway

BecauseI did invite everyone to join us & to chime in at will about anythingthey like

Inthe original statement of purpose on the group home page


SoI have just been hitting my delete button & burying my excessivelytolerant head in the sand whenever she shows up

Hopingother members might do the same

Butas I see this is really offensive to some of us

Iam now considering directly asking her to either lighten up orleave us in peace

Unlessyou or anyone else has a better idea

Ormaybe this conversation alone will suffice to give her the idea

Ifshe is monitoring the effect she is having

AsI suppose she may be

Sothanx for bringing this up again

&lets see what develops or figure out what more we might try

Atall events I am glad you are still here mike & acknowledge the problemI have caused

On Friday, July 15, 2016, ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]<***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Mike D.

Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her,if it's even a her.

Mike S.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Aaralyn' ***@yahoo.com [boundarypointpoint]<***@yahoogroups.com>
To: boundarypointpoint <***@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays


Join And See Full Album
Send Your Pictures
Upload Hot Pictures on Group
Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-07-16 14:01:34 UTC
Ok mike you are now a full coowner of bpp2
& indeed thanx for being here
Post by ***@aol.com [boundarypointpoint]
Worked well for me. Joined and already received a confirmation message.
Much nicer crowd over here at bpp2.
Mike S.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, Jul 16, 2016 3:17 am
Subject: Fwd: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
Ok I have apparently just managed to create boundarypointpoint2
rather than boundarypointpointpoint which failed
& have invited mike & david whom it appears I will be able to appoint
coowners with deleting & banning & inviting privileges as soon as they join
& I will continue to crosspost to both groups until they & all
other members who wish to join the new group have done so
& Also importantly
until I can link the new group up with gmane for archiving & searching
continuity & convenience
So unless there are any further suggestions additions subtractions etc
Let the grand migration begin at everyone's earliest convenience
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Friday, July 15, 2016
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
Not me, I’m afraid – this is way over my head technically plus I am
leaving shortly for Europe.
*Sent:* Friday, July 15, 2016 2:48 PM
*Subject:* Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club
As usual mike
Let's create boundarypointpointpoint immediately
Then formally notify boundarypointpoint in case anyone misses this thread
& then proceed with your plan
& in view of my obvious ineptitude & minimal life expectancy
I would recommend anyone but koosha to be the new owner
Particularly if he or she would appreciate having coowners
Like how about yourself & or David for starters
Wow. We are painted into a corner. Yahoo customer service is the
ultimate oxymoron.
If unable to remedy the situation (I don't think for a minute that the
spammer will relent in his/her own), my suggestion would be to post to the
group that it is being disbanded and that everyone should "unsubscribe,"
leaving only the spammer and inactive members to entertain each other.
At the same time, you can create a new group (boundarypointpoint2 or
boundarypointpointpoint) and ask current members to apply for membership.
Set it up so we have to apply and provide a few sentences to let you know
we are authentic. You should be able to sniff out any fakers.
Good luck!
Mike S.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
In a nutshell I haven't done this because it is beyond my power
As I learned by earnestly trying to do so a few weeks ago when you first
alerted me
The reason being that my ownership of the group is in the name of a
defunct email address
Which I also tried earnestly but vainly to restore
etc etc
Of course I could continue to bang my head against the wall
on the if at first you don't succeed principle
by continuing to try to communicate with yahoo groups management
Or with my defunct email provider
etc etc
& I did go that way for a while
until I realized that the fault is entirely my own anyway
Because I did invite everyone to join us & to chime in at will about
anything they like
In the original statement of purpose on the group home page
So I have just been hitting my delete button & burying my excessively
tolerant head in the sand whenever she shows up
Hoping other members might do the same
But as I see this is really offensive to some of us
I am now considering directly asking her to either lighten up or leave us
in peace
Unless you or anyone else has a better idea
Or maybe this conversation alone will suffice to give her the idea
If she is monitoring the effect she is having
As I suppose she may be
So thanx for bringing this up again
& lets see what develops or figure out what more we might try
At all events I am glad you are still here mike & acknowledge the problem
I have caused
Mike D.
Why have you not deleted the bitch who posts this shit? And banned her,
if it's even a her.
Mike S.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 2:08 pm
Subject: [boundarypointpoint] How Females Get Ready for The Club NowaDays
* <http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum>*
*Join And See Full Album *
*Send Your Pictures*
*Upload Hot Pictures on Group*
*http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum <http://bit.ly/ViViGroupAlbum> *