[boundarypointpoint] experimental brgysr entry for new tricountry edition
Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-05-07 16:45:31 UTC
tricountry the totally revised impartially coded official united nations
tripoint registry yearbook

*068 brgysr *brazil guyana suriname


1936 photo album showing demarcation work in progress
& in fact the only known photography of the tripoint in existence
the only other known visit to the location being its discovery in 1914

triple frontier of separation in remote amazon & courantyne watersheds
intermittent from 1667 owing to various military occupations but continuous
since 1814
when notional trijunction may already have become associated with unknown
source of courantyne river
pursuant to a local understanding dating from 1799 that gbnl followed the
west bank of the courantyne
emerging initially as *gbnlpt *but succeeded by *brgbnl* in 1822 upon
independence of brazil
& reduced by exploration in 1842 to a presumptive tripoint at source of
kutari headstream of kuruni affluent of courantyne
tho this location too was still unknown at that time
& was somewhat compromised by discovery in 1871 of a possibly greater
affluent of the courantyne than the kuruni
called new river & presenting a different potential tripoint location more
favorable to the dutch
& while brgb & brnl delimitations & demarcations were converging from west
& east along the amazon watershed divide during the first decades of the
20th century
the anticipated trijunction area at the supposed head of the kutari was
finally reached for the first time in 1914
when the putative tripoint position was elevated by its discoverer to the
summit of a nearby inselberg
actually situated a few km southeast of the hydrological source of the
on a primitive trail linking the upper east fork of the kutari with the
head of the anamu trombetas situated on the amazon side of the divide
thru a gap between the acarai & tumucumaque ridges
& this slightly arbitrary if not actually mistaken yet otherwise quite
suitable location was first formally proposed by the dutch in 1933
in disregard of the other potential trijunction position at the head of the
new river that they had also been advocating on occasion
& was adopted & fixed trilaterally in 1936 tho never actually ratified by
the dutch
& was demarcated there later in 1936 by masonry obeliskoid pillar 132 of a
brgb commission with dutch participation
in roughly n1d58m w56d29m & at approx elev 463m asl
before being succeeded again by *brgynl *upon guyanese independence in 1966
& by present political format *brgysr *upon independence of suriname in 1975
while from 1962 the dutch & later the surinamese have reasserted a weak
claim to the new river triangle
so there remains technically a disputed tripoint with an alternative
location at roughly n1d28m w58d26m or some 230km ssw of the marker
notwithstanding many decades of british & guyanese effectivity &
enforcement in the intervening area comprising some 15000 sq km

best mapping online http://loadmap.net/

brazilian border authority http://pcdl.itamaraty.gov.br/pt-br/
historical notes http://www.guyana.org/features/guyanastory/chapter102.html
& http://www.guyana.org/features/guyanastory/chapter103.html
