Aletheia Kallos [boundarypointpoint]
2018-07-24 01:05:02 UTC
manh3esro4hamenepl or haverhill & merrimac ma with newton & plaistow nh
situated at manh marker 141 a bit farther west along the merrimack river
3mile offset sector
manh3himi4duhonape or dunstable & pepperell ma with hollis & nashua nh
situated in the middle of the nashua river between riparian markers 79 & 80
still farther west along the eastwest geodesic sector of manh
& on mari mari3nopr4becuwowr or bellingham & wrentham ma with cumberland &
woonsocket ri
street view appears to show marker at driveway corner,-71.4581496,3a,25.7y,23.16h,65.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNuhRU814QKAfXiEpkxWPtg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
bringing the total up to 4
just rediscovered the 4town point on marthas vineyard
which raises the internal quadpoints of mass total from 7 to 8
situated at manh marker 141 a bit farther west along the merrimack river
3mile offset sector
manh3himi4duhonape or dunstable & pepperell ma with hollis & nashua nh
situated in the middle of the nashua river between riparian markers 79 & 80
still farther west along the eastwest geodesic sector of manh
& on mari mari3nopr4becuwowr or bellingham & wrentham ma with cumberland &
woonsocket ri
street view appears to show marker at driveway corner,-71.4581496,3a,25.7y,23.16h,65.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNuhRU814QKAfXiEpkxWPtg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
bringing the total up to 4
just rediscovered the 4town point on marthas vineyard
which raises the internal quadpoints of mass total from 7 to 8