[boundarypointpoint] groundhog day ja vu as bwnazmzw resolution is delayed again & again
Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2016-02-02 17:43:07 UTC
longtime members may recall how we have been hoping to rationalize &
resolve the great african quadrifrontier
into either a quadripoint or 2 close tripoints
by simply following the progress of the negotiations planning &
construction of the bridge span that is finally beginning to emerge
directly across the quadriarea & the zambezi river between zm & bw
thru improbable delay after improbable delay since 1991

the latest 2 delays are reported in the links below

most observers believe that the existence of the bridge establishes a bwzm
border at least de facto
& implicitly a bwnazm trijunction just to its west & a bwzmzw trijunction
just to its east

but this is still far from settled even as the bridge construction
haltingly proceeds
