[boundarypointpoint] warm spring nevada
Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2017-05-08 18:46:01 UTC
discovered last evening what may be the best natural hot spring in the
just a bit beyond the apparent end of the extraterrestrial highway at rachel
& a mere fifty miles due west of the also marvelous adaven nevada
& probably just as far from any other populated place too
while being itself all that remains alive of a ghost town at a significant
fork in the road
i surmise the site of a former cottontail ranch

the spring at warm spring is marginally a hot spring tho

or at least i had to bail out of it after less than 20 minutes

but what it is is basically a 25 x 100 foot swimming pool
with steam rising from it that is noticeable from the road
beside a dilapidated bath house with a big keep out sign on it
all surrounded by a chain link fence with a wide open gate so help yourself
to the pool

there might be another person or 2 there but probably not

i happened to arrive just as 2 indians were leaving

christie traveling from arkansas on a scooter with a teddy bear pulled in
after awhile

we bathed together & spent the night separately

only a handful of cars passed by all night

scotty arrived in the morning in a high top van

bathed again
a threesome this time

then christie headed off to tonopah after giving a hug & taking a kiss

as i write this
scotty is sleeping off a hangover after having partied somewhere all night
while i am thinking of spending the next 2 chilly nights here
as a new couple arrives with whom i take a third dip
including a pretty girl with a prettier bikini
but on second thought maybe i better head to tonopah myself to post this &
follow christie

at tonopah i find her again & she spots me & says hi & bye again
as she dashes off dodging raindrops & hailstones & possibly me

what does this have to do with trypointing i wonder & maybe you wonder too
as i gas up & try pointing once again toward her expected direction of
