[boundarypointpoint] polyakeology is born
Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2015-08-01 18:15:12 UTC
we have in the past jestfully invented & used the word multipunctology to
mean the study of multipoints etc

but the main trouble with this word is only its slapdash construction out
of a combination of both latin & greek roots
& we could certainly learn to love & live with it
just like the many such similarly bastardized english word constructions as
television microprocessor etc etc

nevertheless it is good to bear in mind that we do have a more
linguistically responsible & decorous option
namely polyakeology
the purely ancient greek study & pursuit of multipoints & multipointing

& no matter that this our beloved art sport ritual or whatever you want to
call it was unheard & undreamt of in ancient greece

for this is how all contemporary sciences get their proper names
to wit anachronistically

so no reason to hesitate jumping on that silly bandwagon

& i figure we all must be & are now card carrying polyakeologists if not
indeed polyakeophiles
just by virtue of being here at this site
