[boundarypointpoint] in the middle of nowhere again
Aletheia Kallos aletheiak@gmail.com [boundarypointpoint]
2017-06-10 16:07:59 UTC
thought i would be the 11th sleeper at ten sleeps wyoming last night
& it was an 11 on a 10 scale as nights of sleep go
yet in the morning
i rejoiced even further to find a prehistoric indian rock shelter
thinking i had thereby bagged the etymological smoking gun of the place
til i realized this particular shelter could sleep only two at most & at
but then
after having to choose between dirty sallys & the crazy woman cafe
directly facing each other across the main street
for breakfast
which also turned out to be a 10 at the latter
i finally learned i was once again situated at a great center middle &
halfway point
between the 2 major traditional sioux camps as it happens in this case
one on the platte near casper & the other on clarks fork near red lodge or
actually bridger montana today
each situated exactly 10 sleeps or 10 days travel dragging everything you
own from this midway spot
which now has 24 hour wi fi at the library where i am posting this
before i try dirty sallys for lunch
