Aletheia Kallos
2014-05-02 21:17:12 UTC
samantha power has just told the unsc that 32 buildings in 17 ukrainian
towns have been occupied by pro russian separatists while i have counted up
to 21 such towns by name but in any case all such enclaves however many
there actually are could soon vanish in a merger of all 3 of their full
oblasts with russia by an event or series of events that in terms of
worldclass tricountry points would change only the present mdrouas to
mdroru leaving the present mdrouan as simply mdroua & that would produce in
addition mdruua at the northern tip of transnistria but ukraine might
consider itself lucky indeed to survive the present month with such small
towns have been occupied by pro russian separatists while i have counted up
to 21 such towns by name but in any case all such enclaves however many
there actually are could soon vanish in a merger of all 3 of their full
oblasts with russia by an event or series of events that in terms of
worldclass tricountry points would change only the present mdrouas to
mdroru leaving the present mdrouan as simply mdroua & that would produce in
addition mdruua at the northern tip of transnistria but ukraine might
consider itself lucky indeed to survive the present month with such small