Aletheia Kallos [boundarypointpoint]
2014-10-11 00:03:21 UTC
if north polar sectoral claims such as those asserted in earnest by canada
& russia were entertained in the same way as south polar claims
which themselves result in the putative south polar sexinational
hendecapoint arauclfrgbnz shown here
& if all the closest powers were accorded north polar slices corresponding
to the longitudes their land territories span if uneclipsed by any more
northerly lands
the above fanciful map would result
featuring a noteworthy little gap between greenland & norway spanning the
longitudes where no arctic lands exist at all
but if lands south of the arctic circle also qualified for polar slices
then the following would also qualify for slivers of this gap
eastward of easternmost greenland viz denmark at 11w16
nothing but morocco i kid you not
extending from 11w16 to 10w40
& then continuing eastward
ireland from 10w40 to 7w45
albeit interrupted initially by a few more bits of morocco & then by a
continuous band of jan mayen viz norway between 9w4 & 7w56
& then eastward again
the uk from 7w45 to 1e46
but interrupted by the faeroes viz denmark from 7w41 to 6w15
& then eastward again france from 1e46 to 2e33
& then eastward again belgium from 2e33 to 3e22
& then eastward again the netherlands from 3e22 to 4e30
albeit interrupted by outlying bits of norway from 4e38 to 4e30 before
norway begins again in earnest
to complete the gap
so in sharp contrast to the fanciful but well known south polar pie
involving 6 powers & 11 territorial pie slices
the even more fanciful north polar pie would involve a grand total of 11
powers & no fewer than several dozens of mostly tiny slices or slivers of
nearly all packed within the tiny gap shown on the above map
with the uncertainties & discontinuities owing in all cases to oddly spaced
coastal islands
but all of them converging nonetheless at the totally preposterous
hendecanational multidecimopoint becadkeifrgbmanlnoruus aka the north pole
if north polar sectoral claims such as those asserted in earnest by canada
& russia were entertained in the same way as south polar claims
which themselves result in the putative south polar sexinational
hendecapoint arauclfrgbnz shown here
& if all the closest powers were accorded north polar slices corresponding
to the longitudes their land territories span if uneclipsed by any more
northerly lands
the above fanciful map would result
featuring a noteworthy little gap between greenland & norway spanning the
longitudes where no arctic lands exist at all
but if lands south of the arctic circle also qualified for polar slices
then the following would also qualify for slivers of this gap
eastward of easternmost greenland viz denmark at 11w16
nothing but morocco i kid you not
extending from 11w16 to 10w40
& then continuing eastward
ireland from 10w40 to 7w45
albeit interrupted initially by a few more bits of morocco & then by a
continuous band of jan mayen viz norway between 9w4 & 7w56
& then eastward again
the uk from 7w45 to 1e46
but interrupted by the faeroes viz denmark from 7w41 to 6w15
& then eastward again france from 1e46 to 2e33
& then eastward again belgium from 2e33 to 3e22
& then eastward again the netherlands from 3e22 to 4e30
albeit interrupted by outlying bits of norway from 4e38 to 4e30 before
norway begins again in earnest
to complete the gap
so in sharp contrast to the fanciful but well known south polar pie
involving 6 powers & 11 territorial pie slices
the even more fanciful north polar pie would involve a grand total of 11
powers & no fewer than several dozens of mostly tiny slices or slivers of
nearly all packed within the tiny gap shown on the above map
with the uncertainties & discontinuities owing in all cases to oddly spaced
coastal islands
but all of them converging nonetheless at the totally preposterous
hendecanational multidecimopoint becadkeifrgbmanlnoruus aka the north pole